2023-10-26 16:04:41宝业恒公司将携旗下BOYOHO、C-MARK、PAL、SOUNDBOXX四大品牌专业音响设备系统,亮相“2020 CEET深圳教育装备展”
2020-07-06 16:59:221、2020 国际音视频智慧集成展(深圳) 2、2020 国际大屏幕显示技术与应用展览会(深圳) 3、2020 国际广告标识及LED 展览会(深圳)
2019-10-29 18:10:21此次将重点推出高科技声光电/音视频整体解决方案,以“SMART-ONE思迈特”产品平台为核心集中控制音响、舞台灯光、视频、投影等设备,同时需要展示部分音响设备精品:数字音箱、数字功放、数字调音台等。其大小尺寸可以参考官网。 展台需要模拟报告厅和教室两大场景,展示我司智能解决方案中的各产品及系统介绍(包括但不限于文字、图片)。展品数量,暂未确定, 可先按设计风格自行决定,后期双方再协商落实。
2019-06-24 15:43:33此次将重点推出高科技声光视械整体解决方案,以“SMART-ONE思迈特”产品平台为核心集中控制音响、舞台灯光、视频、投影等设备,并进行场景模式切换(包括会议模式、演艺模式、影院模式),同时需要展示部分音响设备精品:数字音箱、数字功放、数字调音台等。
2019-03-01 16:06:42As an old Chinese Saying goes: A timely snow promises a good harvest. The heavy snow happened to Ams
2017-02-15 09:57:58Integrated Systems Europe 2017
2016-11-29 10:20:01Autumn season's Beijing is clear and windy, air is perfumed with osmanthus fragrance. The PALM Expo, which has been held consecutively in 25 years, has been grandly held in CIEC on Sep. 1st, attracted many visitors to gather and discuss about grand undertaking of the industry Bao Ye Heng Company's booth in Hall 3, design exotically with bright color and elegant decoration. Digital Mixer, Digital Amplifier, Digital Active Speaker and AudioNET Network Audio Platform are the Industry 4.0 Era's marking products of BOYOHO Audio, they are attractive to many customers.
2016-11-28 17:56:38